the incredible women who make our chapter possible

Allison Meister
Hometown: Clearwater, FL
Major: Theater with an Acting Emphasis

Vice President
Audrey Dathe
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Major: Economics
Recruitment Chair
Ava Owens
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Major: Cognitive Science

Sarah Barsamian
Hometown: Carmel, CA
Major: Sociology

Personnel Chair
Ella Hernand
Hometown: Ripon, CA
Major: Psychobiology

Panhellenic Delegate
Kaitlyn Heinecke
Hometown: Orange County, CA
Major: Global Studies & Political Science

New Member Educator
Charlotte Heimbach
Hometown: Alexandria, VA
Major: Psychology & Economics

Programming Director
Evie Sanford
Hometown: Norfolk, MA
Major: Cognitive Science

Erika McKee
Hometown: Livermore, CA
Major: Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair
Sam Scott
Hometown: Orinda, CA
Major: Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics

House Manager
Nazelie Kodagolian
Hometown: Laguna, CA
Major: Music Industry

Director of Marketing
Jodi Chung
Hometown: Oak Park, CA
Major: Communications & Cognitive Science
Director of Marketing
Emma Hintz
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Major: Sociology
Sisterhood Director
Claire Miller
Hometown: Davis, CA
Major: Bioinformatics

Philanthropy Chair
Zoe Schnack
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Major: Psychology

Philanthropy Chair
Lily Martin
Hometown: Truckee, CA
Major: Human Biology and Society & Communications

Career and Personal Development Chair
Taylor Fenton
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Major: Math/Economics

Sustainability Director
Sarah Giovenella
Hometown: Aliso Viejo, CA
Major: Human Biology and Society

External Social Chair
Taylor Sehnem
Hometown: Aledo, TX
Major: Statistics & Data Science
Internal Social Chair
Carina Pitstick
Hometown: Westlake Village, CA
Major: Human Biology

Campus Activities
Katherine Klein
Hometown: San Francisco, CA
Major: Public Affairs and Psychology